You’ve been a good girl. Tried so hard to …
... do everything freakin right!
You followed the rules, (except for a few mandatory ones you had to break to be cool), struggled through education, tried to fit in at work, been a good partner, daughter, parent and …
… you still don’t feel like you are doing a great job nor are where you thought you’d be.
Aren’t you supposed to be in your prime - confident, high-achieving, surrounded by loved ones and full of gratitude? Ouf!
Instead you’ve spent your life pretending to be perfect.
(This is known as masking and it’s completely exhausting. A recipe for burnout).
In case you didn’t already guess, your wiring is dancing to a different tune and it’s not something you need to fix, nor is it something you can ignore.
What’s worked for some of your role models might not be right for you. Instead of having a smooth, predictable life, you are…
Full of energy one week only to be catatonic the next and struggling to do the basics
Watching to-do’s pile up (and actual piles getting higher) and unsure how to tackle any of it
Wondering why everyone else looks so together while you, more often than not are messy, moody, and overly emotional
Feeling guilty because you are starting to fall behind in every area of your life
Running in circles trying to solve the same problems you had 10 years ago
Too tired, anxious, stuck, scared, or scattered to follow your real dream and masking because you've got to look together, right?
What if we could change our beliefs about what having it all really looks like and make a new life plan, fuelled by …
Working with vs against our unique nature and energy is the real way to achieve fulfillment and long-term resilience.
It requires a healthy dose of awareness, a few healthy habits, and a sense of adventure … plus less than 1 hour of your time each month.
Shift from overwhelm to productive mode quickly to tackle your biggest goals
Ditch the shame and distress from feeling behind and stuck
Stop worrying about doing things perfectly and instead do them well
Finish projects that make you proud!
Accept and LOVE yourself from working with your personality not against it
Make plans and actively choosing directions instead of instead of getting chosen
"I now feel full & more equipped to do the freaky challenging stuff that I am doing at the moment and just keep going."
- Bonnie W.
"Lisa gave me the tools that I need to shoot higher and go for it and step out of my comfort zone."
- Inis L
"Steering me towards hope and desire rather than resolving past issues was very valuable.
- Alja B
I’ve figured out a zillion coping habits that have helped me dramatically reduce overwhelm, increase my peace and manage highs and lows, failures and successes.
After years of encouraging every single person I know (and 1000’s of business owners) to get clear on what they want and take small steps towards their dream, I thought it would be wise to share it all in one place with an easy-peasy monthly subscription.
That’s why I’m (finally) ready to help you get shit done (on your terms) inside …
The ADHDish Toolkit helps you work with your strengths, manage your challenges, and harness your superpowers so you can take focused steps in the right direction.
1 Empowering Insight To Get You Focused So You Can Rediscover Your Energy & Inspiration
1 Simple & High-Impact Tool to Help You Build Resilience & Take Steps Towards Your Ideal Life
1 Momentum Motivator: Your Brain Has Natural Powers, We’ll Help You Tap into Them
*Except This Cool Side Benefit: As a member, you can submit a request for a particular type of tool or method. Maybe I can work it into the plan!
I am grateful for my aha moments, a direct result of Lisa's probing questions and her encouraging me - sometimes gently, sometimes with a bit more oomph - to go deeper. I am finally excited about what the future holds.
- Karen B
I walked away not only with a lot more clarity than I walked in with, but also a roadmap on how to put everything we talked about into action. Beyond that, I left so excited and energized
- Jeremy E
I also found her experience in steering towards hope and desire rather than resolving past issues very valuable. (Big time observed, noted and locked in!)
Alja B
Subscription Mode Live Workshop (Value $197)
You’ll be live with Julie Chenell, Cathy Olson, and special guest Melissa Lanz during the trategic and tactical walkthrough of building a subscription offer in your business.
During the two hours you will learn:
The difference types of subscription offers
How to brainstorm a subscription offer quickly
Ways to use existing business assets so you’re working smarter not harder
The unique elements in a subscription model offer
How to decide if you’re going to sell one tier or two in your subscription
Sales page secrets for subscriptions
How to price your subscription
The timeline from idea to launch
What churn is and how to reduce it
How to estimate how much you can make from your subscription offer
What tools work best for selling your subscription
Plus, you’ll get the following:
The chance to ask each of us questions live on the call about your idea
Unlimited access to the recording & the materials that come with it
Special offer for our Subscription funnel & coaching
In addition to the class, receive three exclusive bonuses (normally only reserved for our coaching clients)
Bonus 1: Subscription Launch Timeline (Value $47)
Broken out week by week, you’ll be given the core tasks you need to complete what you’ve built during the workshop. Your subscription offer will be out the door in less than 60 days. The launch timeline includes core tasks and optional to do’s as well.
Bonus 2: How To Name Your Subscription (Value $47)
The name is one of the most important parts of your subscription offer. Don’t make the classic amateur mistakes. Use this bonus to help you (and your favorite AI assistant) brainstorm a name that is sure to be memorable!
"But ... I've tried everything before and sticking it out is the hardest part."
Girl, I've got you. I've designed this Toolkit with exactly this in mind.
Each month is like a "sprint" and focused on trying out just one tool or method.
You don't have to keep piling on more and more. Instead after each one you can decide to keep or discard the tool afterward.
Meaningful change doesn't happen by trying to fix everything at once.
When you focus on one specific practice, and give it the attention it needs to become “normal”, you’ll start to see progress build naturally over time.
Many ADHDish women get stuck in overwhelm when faced with too many options or decisions. This is why I've taken the thinking of "what to try next" out of the equation.
Bonus 3: Sales Subscription Estimator (Value $27)
Everyone wants a crystal ball to see how well their subscription offer will sell. With our sales estimator, it’s as close as you can get. You’ll be able to estimate the sales and reach for your offer, and plan your upcoming launches accordingly with this easy-to-use sheet.
1 Simple & Practical Activity or Tool That Will Help You Build Resilience & Help You Take Steps Towards Your Goals
1 Easily Absorbable Explanation To Get You Focused So You Can Soar Through the Activity with Energy & Inspiration
1 Encouraging Email to Help You Take Action So You Don’t Leave it to the Last Minute
1 Simple & Practical Activity or Tool That Will Help You Build Resilience & Help You Take Steps Towards Your Goals
1 Easily Absorbable Explanation To Get You Focused So You Can Soar Through the Activity with Energy & Inspiration
1 Encouraging Email to Help You Take Action So You Don’t Leave it to the Last Minute
"The best part was the a-ha's I had as we were talking, the realizations of what I wanted."
- Carol Cox
"More detailed time management allowed me to see what was important and that I actually wasn’t allocating time to those areas."
- Lisa H.
"I have much more confidence in my direction, and made so much more progress than I would have on my own."
- Rachel B
I pushed against ALL the edges trying to find my own way aka bull in the china shop.
I could tell you all about my credentials but here’s the real deal. Despite being taught to never stand out & follow a safe path, I didn't feel comfortable following a typical path. Pursuing a life of work, marriage, children etc. felt restrictive. I wanted to figure out myself first.
So that’s what I did. I spent my early adult life traveling, working, exploring, moving & searching. I dove deep into finding myself. I listened, read, contemplated and talked to anyone who’d listen.
After decades of trying all the things, I realized there was nothing wrong with me.
Several personal development seminars, four 10-day silent meditation sits, 1 business, 1 child, and 1 divorce later, I clued into the fact that despite thinking I was totally normal with a bunch of unresolved "small t" trauma, I realized all the emotional, sensory and obsessive tendencies I’ve lived with forever actually meant I’m wired a little differently.
And over this lengthy journey I amassed a giant inventory of tools, habits, practices and thoughts to help me pursue my best life. And now I want you to have them.
You don’t need to be a personal development whiz, have a bunch of extra time or have any specific skills or beliefs to do this. Nor do you have to be diagnosed with ADHD
Each month’s activity will take less than an hour to try out
You can keep what you love and ditch what doesn’t resonate
Cancel anytime, no hassle no problem right here:
Try before you buy. Right below I’m gifting you one tool, one tutorial, and one email so you can see exactly what you’re getting. If you’re ready to buy, no worries. This free gifted one delivers the MINUTE you sign up too!
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I’ve never been diagnosed with ADHD?
No diagnosis required. In fact, I’m not diagnosed nor do I plan to get one. If you relate to any of the above, then give it a shot. This subscription is all about getting more out of your life while reducing stress and overwhelm. It’s that simple.
What if I don't have ADHD but I still struggle to focus?
You don't have to identify with having ADHD or being neurodiverse to struggle with perfectionism, burnout and lack of productivity. These tools are designed to help you define what you want and create the systems to pursue anything.
Can ONE tool per month really make a difference?
YES! By focusing on micro-steps, you’ll start to feel more in control of your day-to-day life, without adding more pressure or perfectionism. These monthly sprints are about gradual transformation—so you never feel overwhelmed but still make real progress.
What if I don’t have time every month?
You don't have to use every single tool. They will also help you reflect, prioritize and tackle hard things. All you need is 20 minutes to try it out but if you really can't get to it, it's okay to skip a a month now-and-again.
Can I quit anytime?
You betcha. If you’re on the monthly plan you can quit anytime. Once you have access you'll see a one click unsubscribe option.
Will this work?
If you believe small shifts and changes combined with huge doses of self-discovery is the foundation for bright futures, then there's a good chance you'll feel the difference if you take action.
I suck at follow through.
Follow-through is a game-changer when you can do it. But, it's not the only thing that counts. Give yourself a small chunk of time to learn & get inspired and you'll be on track to follow-through. The ADHDish Toolkit combines both self-discovery and action steps. You can take what you need and leave the rest.
Frequently Asked Questions
No diagnosis required. In fact, I’m not diagnosed nor do I plan to get one. If you relate to any of the above, then give it a shot. This subscription is all about getting more out of your life while reducing stress and overwhelm. It’s that simple.
You don't have to identify with having ADHD or being neurodiverse to struggle with perfectionism, burnout and lack of productivity. These tools are designed to help you define what you want and create the systems to pursue anything.
YES! By focusing on micro-steps, you’ll start to feel more in control of your day-to-day life, without adding more pressure or perfectionism. These monthly sprints are about gradual transformation—so you never feel overwhelmed but still make real progress.
You don't have to use every single tool. They will also help you reflect, prioritize and tackle hard things. All you need is 20 minutes to try it out but if you really can't get to it, it's okay to skip a a month now-and-again.
You betcha. If you’re on the monthly plan you can quit anytime. Once you have access you'll see a one click unsubscribe option.
If you believe small shifts and changes combined with huge doses of self-discovery is the foundation for bright futures, then there's a good chance you'll feel the difference if you take action.
Follow-through is a game-changer when you can do it. But, it's not the only thing that counts. Give yourself a small chunk of time to learn & get inspired and you'll be on track to follow-through. The ADHDish Toolkit combines both self-discovery and action steps. You can take what you need and leave the rest.
1 Simple & Practical Activity or Tool That Will Help You Build Resilience & Help You Take Steps Towards Your Goals
1 Easily Absorbable Explanation To Get You Focused So You Can Soar Through the Activity with Energy & Inspiration
1 Encouraging Email to Help You Take Action So You Don’t Leave it to the Last Minute
1 Simple & Practical Activity or Tool That Will Help You Build Resilience & Help You Take Steps Towards Your Goals
1 Easily Absorbable Explanation To Get You Focused So You Can Soar Through the Activity with Energy & Inspiration
1 Encouraging Email to Help You Take Action So You Don’t Leave it to the Last Minute
"What sets Lisa apart is her personalized approach. She took the time to understand our unique challenges, tailoring her advice specifically for us."
- Melissa Pierce
"I make important decisions all day long. The most important ones start and end with Lisa's counsel. Her judgment is sound, her experience is unparalleled and her advice is effective."
- MK F
"I am grateful for my aha moments, a direct result of Lisa's probing questions and her encouraging me - sometimes gently, sometimes with a bit more oomph - to go deeper. I'm finally excited about what the future holds."
- Karen B